About Anger Management
Conflict Resolution for Recovery and Prevention is a 12 week therapeutic class that is
skill-based and focused on the brain, including how the brain works in conflict and
strategies to affect the quality of recovery in relationships.
Anger Management: Conflict Resolution for Recovery and Prevention offered in English and Spanish
Conflict Resolution for Recovery and Prevention is a 12 week therapeutic class.
Some of the key topics discussed include:
Instinct or Intellect - Understanding where anger and conflict resides in the brain (limbic system and cortex).
Understanding Relationships - How they start and traverse through stages.
Stress and Anger - Understanding the “stress cycle” and how it may lead to conflict and relapse.
Power and Control - Who has them and who needs them.
Learning not to Blame and Shame - Seeking the moment of “misunderstanding.”
Living a Life of Collaboration.
All payments for services are due at the time that services are rendered.​
Cost varies on individual referral. For further details regarding cost please reach out OWHN-COPES staff contact.