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Batterers Intervention Program


About Batterers Intervention Program


The goal of BIP is to provide clients with the education and skills they need to address controlling and abusive behaviors and eliminate any form of violence in their life. It is the intended outcome that clients will then be able to meaningfully support the family unit, including the victim and children.

Batterers Intervention Programs differ from, and are not replaceable by, substance abuse treatments, mental health services, or family, marital, couples or other counseling.

The OWHN-COPES BIP program is offered in English and Spanish. 


OWHN-COPES BIP program is designed to be a minimum of 36 sessions in length, including group and individual counseling. However, a client’s program may last longer than 36 sessions depending on the progress and ability to show measurable change.

Participants are held accountable for their attendance, must be on time, and cannot miss a meeting.





OWHN-COPES BIP program utilizes the Moral Resonation Therapy (MRT), Bringing Peace To Relationships: MRT for Domestic Violence. Other supplemental materials employed include, Allies in Change and Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE). 




All payments for services are due at the time that services are rendered.​

Initial Screening...............................................................................................................$50

Admission Intake Interview, Testing, Assessment and Orientation................................ $200 

Group Session................................................................................................................ $40 per session

Individual Session .......................................................................................................... $90 per session




Pendleton location: 200 SE Hailey, suite 307.


Hermiston location: 140 SW 11th street.

La Grande: 1501 6th st suite C.

For further details regarding the La Grand program please contact:

Julie Bean, 541-962-0162

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